Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK)

2024-2025 Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program

UPK Program Details

UPK is a district program with various locations and sessions to consider.

  • Three AM sessions:  One class at West Avenue (Central Office/Quest Elementary), 9-11:30 a.m.; and two classes at Village Elementary, 8:30-11 a.m.

  • Two PM sessions, 12 – 2:30 p.m. at Village Elementary

  • Four EXTENDED sessions, 8:45 a.m. – 2:15 p.m. located at Village Elementary and Northwood Elementary and 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Hilton Community Childcare and 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at Parma Kids Preschool & Childcare

Classes meet five days a week.  UPK generally follows the district calendar, with the exception of some half day sessions.  These schedule changes will be communicated to parents in advance. 

Parents must provide transportation to and from the program daily and be on time for drop off and pick up.  Families agree and adhere to our UPK attendance policy to maintain eligibility in UPK.

Those with childcare needs should refer to the flyers in the "Related Documents" section below regarding the opportunity with Hilton-Parma Recreation (possible with Village Elementary sections only) or with one of our Community Based Organization locations (Parma Kids and Hilton Community Childcare).  Acceptance to UPK program in the lottery is separate from daycare or wrap around; those must be arranged directly with the providers.

UPK Application Process and Eligibility

Eligibility: must be 4 years old by December 1, 2024 (born between Dec. 2, 2019 and Dec. 1, 2020) and must be a resident of the Hilton Central School District.

Please complete the application using this link – https://forms.gle/vfa7BeoFJeHMbMkr6

Your application must be received no later than 3 p.m. on Wednesday, March 27, 2024.  You will receive an email receipt once you have submitted the application.  

Please note: If a child attends UPK at West Avenue (Central Office/QUEST Elementary) and would like to attend QUEST for Kindergarten, families must apply directly to QUEST the following year.



  • Within a few weeks, applicants will receive an email to let you know the location and session assigned.  This email will include the acceptance form link.

  • Your acceptance form must be received by the date indicated in the email, or your child’s slot will be assigned to the next child on the wait list. 

  • When you have accepted the slot offered via the acceptance form, you will be notified regarding the online registration process.

  • Any student of a family that rejects the offered slot is moved to the end of the waiting list.

 Waiting List Procedures

  • The wait list will be maintained during the school year in the event slots become available.

  • If/when a parent/guardian of a selected student decides not to enroll the child, or drops out of the program, the first family on the wait list will be contacted. This will repeat until a family accepts the available slot. 

  • Any applications received after March 27 will be added to the wait list.

  • Any eligible students new to the district after March 27 will be added to the wait list.

 If you have any unique questions about the process, please contact Dawn Blodgett at 392-1000, ext. 7031 or dblodgett@hilton.k12.ny.us

HCSD will have Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Program during the 2024-25 school year pending New York State Pre-Kindergarten funding and voter approved HCSD budget.