Community Education Director
(585) 392-1000, ext. 7095
Hilton CSD Community Education
Welcome to Hilton Central School District Community Education, which is committed to building a connected learning community through providing reasonably-priced courses for adults, youth and families.
Community Education is located in Room 106, Hilton Central District Offices, 225 West Ave., Hilton. Please call or email with your questions at (585) 392-1000, ext. 7044/7095.
Registration for CE classes begins as soon as you receive the Catalog of Courses. Registration is ongoing. All interested persons may register and there is no extra charge for out-of-district residents, except as noted in catalog. YOU MUST REGISTER EVEN IF CLASS IS FREE FOR YOU. Class may be cancelled due to low enrollment. Generally classes are for adults [age 16+] unless stated. Refund requests must be made three days in advance of the first day of class. A $5 processing fee may be charged on refunds if the class is not free. The registration fee must be received PRIOR to attending class - please mail or drop off your payment early to ensure your registration. Checks are payable to Hilton Community Education. You will not receive a written confirmation; you will only receive notice if a class is canceled.
Emergency Closings
When the Hilton Central School District closes due to emergency or weather-related conditions, Community Education classes and activities on school grounds are cancelled as well. The District contacts the local media when closing the schools is necessary. A message is also placed on the District’s voicemail, (585) 392-1000, and posted to the website, Facebook and Twitter pages. Community Education classes and activities that are held off campus are at the instructor’s discretion to cancel. If you have questions, please call (585) 392-1000, ext. 7044 or 7095.
The GAP (Golden Age Pass) entitles HCSD resident seniors (age 55 or older) and all HCSD employees and retirees to free/discounted fee courses. Hilton School District residents age 55 or older may apply for a GAP by calling (585) 392-1000, ext. 7044. Proof of age is required. HCSD employees, please indicate GAP on your registration form. In addition, Hilton District residents age 65 or older may apply for a GAP Scholarship. This once-a-semester scholarship allows a senior who qualifies for the NYS Aged Exemption to take a course free of charge (does not include supply fee). Individuals with handicapping conditions also are eligible for GAP. Please call (585) 392-1000, ext. 7044 or 7095 for more information.
Hilton Schools Aquatic Center
The Aquatic Center is located at Merton Williams Middle School, 200 School La., Hilton, with entrance and parking at the rear of the building off Old Hojack Lane
Community Education Instructors Sought
Have you ever thought of teaching a course? Instructors/potential instructors or for course suggestions, please contact Community Education Director Ryan Miller at (585) 392-1000, ext. 7044 or 7095 and/or submit
Please complete the following course proposal form for all of the courses and/or activities you wish to teach. Be sure to list the total supply costs and instructor salary separately. Please know that Community Education constraints include facility/room availability, course enrollment trends and the overall program cost(s). After this form is submitted, the Community Education director will review it and be in contact with you. Your interest in providing instruction is greatly appreciated!
Community Education Staff

Ryan Miller

Jincy Paz
Community Education Assistant
(585) 392-1000, ext. 7044