CR-SE Resources
Below are resources related to Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education that may be helpful to parents/guardians to build your own understanding of CR-SE and to help support children as we talk about issues of race and social injustices in our community and across our nation. This page is not meant to be exhaustive and will be updated as we are made aware of more resources.
New York State Education Dept. Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education
Learn more about the CR-SE framework and find resources for parents and educators.

Sesame Workshop's "Coming Together - Talking to Children about Race, Ethnicity and Culture"
Coming Together is Sesame Workshop's commitment to racial justice. The website features developmentally appropriate resources to help parents and guardians guide their child to be smarter, stronger, and kinder—and an up-stander to racism.

Center for Racial Justice in Education
The Center for Racial Justice trains and empowers educators to dismantle patterns of racism and injustice in schools and communities. The website offers resources for talking with kids about race, racism and racialized violence.