Culturally Responsive - Sustaining Education
The Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education (CR-SE) framework helps educators create student-centered learning environments that:
Affirm racial, linguistic and cultural identities;
Prepare students for rigor and independent learning;
Develop students’ abilities to connect across lines of difference;
Elevate historically marginalized voices;
And empower students as agents of social change.
The framework is grounded in four principles:
Welcoming and Affirming Environment
High Expectations and Rigorous Instruction
Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment
Ongoing Professional Learning
The framework, which may be found on the NYS website goes into more depth on each principle and its intended outcomes.
The Hilton Central School District is taking a multi-tiered approached to implementing CR-SE that involves educator training; engaging different stakeholders in a series of conversations in the area of CR-SE; participating in a forum through Monroe 2 BOCES to examine and discuss the strategies, current trends, research, and best practices around equity in our schools and communities; and implementing school specific actions and strategies that support the district’s diversity, equity and inclusion goals.